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The REFRATIVA R.I.O. world
Are you ready to unlock the power of refractive surgery? Join us at REFRATIVA R.I.O. and learn the latest techniques from world-class experts to help you achieve the best outcomes for your patients. Unlock all your potential and transform your practice with us

My Story
Dr. Marcony Santhiago is a professor of ophthalmology and PhD mentor at the University of São Paulo.
In 2020 he was recognized as one of the world's most influential researchers in research conducted by Stanford University.
During medical school, he completed the internship in the ophthalmology department at Mount Sinai Hospital-School of Medicine-New York-NY. Residency in Ophthalmology at Hospital da Piedade in Rio de Janeiro.
He was a surgical fellow for three years in Cataract and Refractive Surgery at the University of São Paulo (USP) where he is still a researcher and PhD mentor at the Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo-USP.
He obtained the titles of prof. Livre Docente (2020), Doctorate/PhD (2011) and Post Doctorate (2014) in ophthalmology from the University of São Paulo.
He also held a Fellowship in Cornea and Refractive Surgery at the Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland OH during from 2009 through 2012, where he also completed a postdoctoral degree in Visual Sciences from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation.
At the end of 2015 he founded the course REFRATIVA R.I.O. a detailed undertaking in education through which almost 4000 ophthalmologists from all over the world have passed.
In addition to his time assisting patients at the office and operating room, he is a prolific researcher and his main lines of research are risk factors for ectasia in candidates for refractive surgery, forms of early detection through different imaging devices (topography, tomography and epithelial map), artificial intelligence, and treatment of keratoconus, corneal healing, structural changes and biomarkers in patients with keratoconus, crosslinking and innovation in different fields.
And his dedicated work has been recognized internationally:
He won the important Troutman Award (2012)
The Waring Memorial Award (2017)
and the Kritzinger Award (2019), having been the only one to accumulate the top 3 awards conferred by the International Society of Refractive Surgery and the American Academy of Ophthalmology for recognized scientific merit and relevant contribution in refractive surgery.
Dr Marcony Santhiago also won the
AAO Achievement Award conferred by the American Academy of Ophthalmology,
ISRS Recognition Award conferred by the International Society of Refractive Surgery,
Miguel Lafer Grand Prize for the greatest scientific production among all ophthalmologists at USP,
Latin America Research Award in Cornea conferred by the Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology
Best Scientific Video Award at the American Academy of Ophthalmology
Several times Best Paper of Section Award and Poster Winner Award by the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Sugery
Gold Medal for relevant contribution to Global Ophthalmology conferred by the Indian Society of Intraocular Implants and Refractive Surgery,
Milu Vilela Research Incentive Award from the University of São Paulo
Best scientific paper from the Brazilian Congress of Ophthalmology.
Célebre Reconocimiento de la Municipalidad Provincial de Trujillo, Peru en importante participación y destacado aporte en favor de desarrollo académico de la salud en la Provincia, Región y el Perú.
In 2017 he was recognized by the renowned publication The Ophthalmologist, as one of the 40 most influential ophthalmologists in the world, under 40 years old.
Scientific Contribution around the world:
In the same year he released his 1st book entitled REFRACTIVE SURGERY.
This book, which has 80 chapters, broke all the publisher's sales records and will soon have a new edition.
Dr. Marcony Santhiago also edited the Corneal Imaging Atlas book together with Dr Brad Randleman and BJ Dupps, as well as, together with Adriana Forseto, coordinated the refractive surgery section of the CBO 2023 series, the official book of the Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology.
In 2024 he will launch another work entitled Refractive Surgery and Surgical Optics: Scientific Evidence and Practical Applicability.
Creator of the Percentage of Altered Tissue PTA concept, he is a reviewer of the most important journals in Ophthalmology in the world. It presents more than 170 scientific works published in international indexed journals and more than 40 book chapters.
He is currently a professor and PhD mentor at the University of São Paulo (Currently supervising more than 10 PhD students at the University of São Paulo USP). Since 2017 he is also an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, CA.
He is a member of the Editorial Board and Editor in charge of the Consultation Section of the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery JCRS
Member of the Editorial Board and Associate Editor of the Journal of Refractive Surgery JRS,
Former member of the Editorial Board of the Brazilian Archives of Ophthalmology ABO.
He also served as Chief Editor of the Brazilian Journal of Ophthalmology RBO, Publications Director of the Brazilian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery BRASCRS and Publications Director of the Brazilian Society of Ophthalmology.
Currently he is one of the directors of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Sugery Refractive Program and the only Brazilian to join the OTA of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
Outside of ophthalmology, he has a particular interest in innovation, having collected long-term courses in different areas at Harvard Business School, the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Sloan School of Management at MIT.
Dr. Marcony Santhiago believes that daily work and commitment have the incredible power to make your dreams come true.